Dr. Ben Carson: Straight Outta Touch With His Black Heritage

Dr ben Carsonby Attorney Jerry Girley
Dr. Ben Carson is evidently a very brilliant man. However, he is clearly a political neophyte as it relates to his apparent inability to see that he is playing a dubious role for the Republican Party when he makes sweeping and derogatory comments about the African Community as a whole.

He is in effect a black voice, a black face and thereby a black cover to those conservatives that harbor

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negative stereotypical images of the African American Community. His criticism of 'Straight Outta Compton' seems to be based entirely upon what he saw in the trailer, the previews. 

That is the problem, Sir. If you don't take the time to look and listen to the plight of your own community then you become a part of the problem. This film that he bashes is a cinematic record of the racial oppression and all of the ugly, undesirable consequences of oppression. These consequences include, but are not limited to, self hopelessness and senseless violence motivated by internalized racism.

I have never met Dr. Carson but I have had a couple of occasions to hear him speak on different topics. I gather that he is a deeply religious individual and that his political views are shaped by his evangelical leanings. I respect him for adhering to his beliefs.

Dr. Carson is like other great men and women of God that I personally know and love, who hold the view that it is essentially a requirement that you throw your lot in with the Republicans if you are standing with God. It simply is not so.

God does not require his people to pledge allegiance to one party over another. Nor can he be contained within the narrow and self centered platforms and positions of political parties. The prophet Isaiah informed us, "His thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are not our ways.

Here is a news flash, political parties exist to win elections not to advance spiritual principles. Dr. Carson is brilliant but I seriously wonder whether he understands this basic reality.
Founded in 2007, The Girley Law Firm, P.A. focuses it efforts in three main areas of the law: Civil Rights, Criminal Defense and Social Security. Web site: http://www.girleylawfirm.com/
Location: 125 East Marks Street Orlando, Fl. 32803 Ph.(407) 540-9866 Fax:(407) 540-8767