Tim Adams Did It!

TimAdams mic


Tim Adams did it. Tim and I debate a lot of issues. He and I were enjoying a friendly debate over breakfast one recent morning and the topic of accountability came up. The debate ended because we both agree that there is a need to start holding our leadership accountable.http://bit.ly/16F9ftw

There needs to be a means of accountability measuring and responsibility gauging of our leadership. Every citizen and resident have 'skin' in the game because everyone will either benefit or suffer, based on the resulting actions or inaction's of our leadership. Constant measurement is called for.

Tim Adams read about the 'Chip in for Gas' campaign which is an effort to hold our leadership accountable. This is accomplished by keeping the residents informed of the local leaders accomplishments and struggles.  Tim bought into the idea and not only paid for my breakfast, but chipped in for gas also.

What about you? I need your help. Would you chip in for gas?

By Subscribing to the CommunitySteeple.com and newsletter, for $3.40 you will help in the support of our efforts. We will continue to keep you informed through several media outlets and later, we will add a monthly newsletter with a special bonus features on projects that we are working on and solutions that we hope to obtain. Thanking you in advance for your help.

$3.40 USD for the first 2 months. Then $3.40 USD for each 2 months, for 6 installments. That's like $1.70 a month for 12 months, only paid every 2 months. http://bit.ly/16F9ftw