“Milani and Friends” A Children’s Book for the Times!
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- Category: Education
- Published: Thursday, 16 June 2022 21:40
For Immediate Release
Our Children are like Flowers…They must be Carefully Nurtured to Blossom
“Milani and Friends” A Children’s Book for the Times!!
“There is nothing more beautiful than a flower in full bloom – so it is with our girls when they blossom in their full potential,” says Jackie Jordan MA, the author of her new children’s book, “Milani and Friends.” The book is dedicated to both, the young princesses of all colors, ethnicities and backgrounds who will become Queens; and to the Queens, young and old, who have inspired her throughout this wonderful journey called life.
As a retired licensed mental health therapist, Jackie has worked with children, adolescents, teens, adults, couples, and families. Jackie’s passion is working with young girls in helping them identify their positive strengths and talents, to build their self-worth, and self-esteem. There is nothing more important than for children to grow up with a positive sense of self. It should start very young in life and must be strengthened and nurtured by parents, caregivers, and teachers. Achieving a sense of self-pride, confidence and a high level of self-esteem is important to reach a higher level of success in life.
Children say mean and hurtful things to each other sometimes, but true friends stick together. Having positive friendships is emphasized in the story as another important factor in a child’s positive development. Jackie notes that parents and caregivers should play a part in helping children build positive friendships by meeting their children’s friends, knowing their parents, and going out together for group activities. In the section of the book entitled, “A Note for Parents, Caregivers, and Teachers,” author Jackie Jordan challenges the parents to ask children questions like, “Why is Janet your friend, or what makes Monica your friend?”
Milani and Friends should be in all young girls’ libraries because in growing up with social media, many children are confused, and don’t have conversations with their parents or other important individuals. The book’s artistic illustrations are bold and brilliant which makes the reader want to open the book and follow these girls. The smiles of the girls makes the reader smile.
Milani and Friends is a children’s book for the times with a spotlight on young princesses ages four to eight years old; however, the story is universal appropriate for all children. It is now available for purchase online or Amazon. Visit JackieJordansCorner.com to order or contact her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., for information on how to get larger orders of copies with a discount.
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