Ferguson, MO: Are We Tired Of The Foolishness Yet?
- Details
- Category: Justice
- Published: Tuesday, 25 November 2014 22:01
- Written by Earl Small
by Earl Small
Ever since last night I felt a hot rage building in me,
I've sat here last night and today and slowly, methodically read Facebook post after Facebook post about Ferguson Mo.
I've read anger hate filled rants, I've read racist messages, I've read condemnations of President Obama, I've read saber rattling outcry's of REVOLUTION, I've read prayers, I've read messages of hope, and I've read messages of us racially criticizing ourselves.
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But in the end what is the true message from it all....
"We're Tired"
Daily we are assaulted on all fronts...from the war on the Black man's image, to community crime, poor educational standards, police profiling and sometimes brutality, a legal system that would rather lock us away instead of being fair, media image destruction and of course the ever present ugly specter of racism.
We have become PUBLIC ENEMY #1 in a country that was built on the back of our ancestors.
That anger, that rage, that FRUSTRATION of "not being" is the catalyst of unrest in our souls and it's slowly building up like a pressure cooker on high heat.
We are just damn TIRED.
The war has now shifted, not only does the Black male become bigger prey but now our future ...our young boys...the very lifeline and future of our race now have BULLEYES painted on their foreheads and the mentality shifts suddenly from educate to eradicate.
That law enforcement mentally of It's easier to lock them up or kill them young before they become a threat is nothing new. History repeats itself so please check out the photo's and movies from the 1960's when the same Police who were trusted to "serve and protect" would kill, maim, use attack dogs on and kill innocent black youth all because of skin color.
Media on a daily basis blatantly seeks to destroys our image, and it's not on a local level but WORLDWIDE.
They would rather show the negative than the positive, they the media take the best of who we are and corrupt it making us seem in some instances uneducated, uncivilized and unworthy.
They paint a picture of the black woman as deceitful, unfaithful, angry, combative, manipulative and mentality inadequate all while making those same images seem lustful and sex driven.
Positive black family and images of success are not ratings winners but cussing, screwing, fighting and racial back stabbing are the norm.
Sick and tired.
Politicians when they need our votes make promises, speak in congregations go to the worse neighborhoods possible and shake hands, smile, kiss babies and make you feel comfortable...you vote them in and then they give you their ass to kiss.
Communities are dying, crime is rampant, police don't give a damn and another black boy dies...but that good old political figure you voted in office is on vacation getting ready to feed his face and family on your tax payer dollars, and when he does finally return do you actually think he/she will "buck the system" to fight for us?
Many of those same politicians are looking to bring business to a city near you...it called the PRIVATIZED PRISON SYSTEM and they are betting on your children to make that business a huge success. (by locking them up.)
Worn the hell out sick.
You fight, we fight in the grand scheme of things a war has casualties but in order to win YOU HAVE TO FIGHT...
You can be the Hunter or the Prey, the weak or the Warrior but to effect change you have to do SOMETHING other than turning the other cheek.
It's time to change the old guard folks, new leaders are needed for new times BUT it takes the courage of the OLD GUARD to inspire the FIGHT, INGENUITY and RESOURCEFULNESS of the NEW GUARD, no war is ever won by repeating the same tactics....YOU HAVE TO OUTSMART those who chose to destroy you by recognizing, realizing and then besting them in their own game but it will take a united effort and a common goal.
Yes I'm Tired but I refuse to let the enemy win, and if it takes me to my last breath I will see my people prevail. I am open to anyone willing to make change and to fight a warriors fight so sisters and brothers let's lay aside the differences, the inner race hate, the distrust and bickering, withstand the "divide and conquer" game being played and seek to regain the throne because WE are the originals, the chosen and in the end the oppressed will become conquerors.