Our Black Reality
- Details
- Category: Justice
- Published: Sunday, 21 December 2014 03:50
- Written by Earl Small
by Earl Small
As a black woman or man we strive every day to expect a victory in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. We, through hundreds of years of adversity and trial claim pain, fear, defeat and humiliation as our right, yet we battle on in a war for racial survival.
So many times we have heard the words fate and destiny but now due to harsh times and insurmountable circumstances we have learned to grasp that those words are used by people who have grown too lazy to do the work needed to move FORWARD. We as a race of people are trying to
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achieve perfection and equality although that we know in our hearts that there is no perfection and the hand of injustice fights against us in this world.
Those that came before us, those that paved the path with blood and loss lives did their part, they fought a war of overwhelming odds and succeeded, and the generation that followed reaped the abundant harvest that was paid by sacrificing so much.
But that same seemingly "Top of the Mountain" generation has failed in so many levels to keep the torch burning that the fighters and warriors fought for.
We settled for excuses, we fell for fake promises, and we let our race which had unified and came together get complacent and accept crumbs.
All too many times I hear the older folk say.."I remember when the whole neighborhood looked out for each other" WE PULLED TOGETHER, now we are so distrusting of each other and so withdrawn we barely even speak. We let ourselves go, and we let our guards down because we actually thought we won. when in fact we were living in a truce while the enemy gathered their wits, watched us, and then changed their tactics.
The sad part is we didn't change with them.
In the Art of War, Sun Tzu states that to overcome and eventually defeat the enemy you must "Think like and become them" by doing so weaknesses are exposed.
We won nothing....we just thought we did, we were satisfied and we let a whole generation forget about the basis of racial survival (WHERE YOU CAME FROM!) and more importantly the skill of SUPPORTING EACH OTHER through hard times.
Look at the pictures and video recordings of the Civil Rights movement from the 1960's, what is astonishing is that some of those same violent acts by police, government etc. are reserving today and our people and more importantly our young people need the Old Guard and Us to step up and take responsibility to re-ignite the flame and GET THIS NEW AGE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT FIRED UP!
We as a race of people need to take responsibility, stop having a 'follow a trend' mentality and ultimately refuse to not stop on our own racial unification, growth and performance. Our commitment starts by teaching our own people THE VALUE OF BLACK LIVES and to live with the strong resolution to stand against injustice, Because each one of us should live by the credo "BLACK LIVES MATTER!"
Our strength as a people is to never give up and despite numerous failings we have learned to shake it off and always get up and start again, the will to endure is built into our DNA because of nature and adversity.
We are survivors and that innate trait is reinforced with courage and determination.
We shall overcome was sang back in the day, and we truly believed each verse, our people had so many warriors united together back then, but these are new times and we need new warriors. In the days of old in one African village it was a tradition that the Old warriors pass on their hunting spears to the New warriors so that the village could survive and endure, it's time to seek out and prepare those that will insure that we go on as a race of people and endure.
Re-ignite the flame and call forth and prepare our torch bearers and soldiers.
Always remember that our story, the story of US should never be forgotten, nor should it be discounted, America is our home and we were the builders of cities, we were the farmers, fishermen, and soldiers, we were instrumental in building the very foundation of this country whether it was by will or by whip.
Our hopes, our pains, our joy's, our triumphs, our tragedies and our dreams can never be ignored nor should we tolerate the dismissal of us as humans OUR LIVES MATTER and no matter what we will be acknowledged.