Did Orlando City Clerk Alana Brenner Attempt to Steal District 5 for Lynum
- Details
- Category: Politics
- Published: Sunday, 16 February 2014 18:51
- Written by Pan-Africanist Coalition
A Position Paper by The Pan-Africanist Coalition
It's A Question of Due Diligence. Did Orlando City Clerk Alana Brenner perform due diligence in qualifying Juan Lynum?
Due Diligence involves a test of reasonableness. Would a reasonable person make certain assumptions based on specific conditions about Juan Lynum's living and working arrangements?
Here are some things Ms. Brenner should think about in the case of Juan Lynum and his qualifications to run for City Commissioner in District 5. The Orlando City Clerk's office should be staffed by reasonable people. Does Alana Brenner fit that description when considering these assumptions?
In order to run for Orlando City Council, a person would have to be a bona fide resident of that District for the previous year. Here are a few 'due diligence' tests that City Clerk Alana Brenner should have considered about Juan Lynum.
He homesteads in Sumter County. To receive this exemption, this property must be
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his primary residence. Juan said that he only visits this place a few times a year. A reasonable person would question Juan's ability to claim both Sumter and Orange county's as primary bona fide residences.
Wife and young child live in Tampa. A reasonable person would assume that a family man that Juan claims to be, would live with his family.
Works at Hillsbrough Community College in Tampa. A reasonable person would have a hard time believing that Juan would live in Orlando and drive to Tampa to work at a community college when he can work at one of several local colleges in Orlando.
Juan works in Tampa, but want to be City Commissioner in Orlando. Is this even reasonable?
Address on Hillsborough Community College - In Alana Brenner due diligence process, did she check the address Juan used on his job application to work in Tampa?
Juan claims he lives with his mother in Orlando. A reasonable person would find it hard to believe that a trained, working attorney, would live with his mother and leave his wife and child alone all week.
Juan's web site says that his Primary Law Practice is in Orlando. The office where he claims to work in Orlando is a virtual office with over 40 other companies using that same address. Juan's name is not even listed as an occupant.
The receptionist at Juan's primary office said that she only occasionally sees Juan. Is this reasonable?
Primary Law Practice is in Orlando: A brief check the Clerk of Court records for 'Notice of Appearance' for E. Juan Lynum, found that he hasn't filed for a single client case in Orange County since 2010. For this to be his primary office as stated on his web site, a reasonable person would wonder how he makes a living, and where is he earning a living.
Did Orlando City Clerk Alana Brenner forget that to qualify Juan must be a bona fide resident of the district for the previous year?
Was due diligence performed in the case of Juan Lynum? It appears that Alana Brenner did not perform due diligence by any stretch of the imagination. She is derelict in her duties and her next evaluation should include some major training. This neglect in performing her job duties could possibly alter the outcome of an election which is a very serious matter.
Who should be reviewing this? Where are the watch dogs who care about District 5. Where is the Democratic Executive Committee? Where are the caucuses and elected officials? Where are the community leaders? The residents need to understand why Alana Brenner will perform intense due diligence on some people, but is very relaxed on others.
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Elect Regina Hill for City Commissioner District 5 |
Social Comments
There is plenty discussion about this topic in the social media outlets. Here are some comments from several threads. The comments are unedited and the names are blocked.
****** I'm going to suggest her quickness to confirm, in light of circumstances, was haste!
****** She needs to correct her mistake. Officials should be outraged.
****** Either his homestead exemption or his residency qualification to run in the election is fraud. Take your pick
****** Something smells fishy in tuna town.
****** Based on this Alana Brenner is either A. incompetent or B. Crooked. Either way its not looking good for Alana.
****** I wonder if they are feeding her the line that it will blow over... It will not. I wonder if being party to election fraud and malfeasance is worth going to jail.
****** Full Definition of MALFEASANCE. : wrongdoing or misconduct especially by a public official.
****** Shame on Alana Brenner...she was a candidate herself for the legislature several years ago and knows the rules...on the other hand based on the way her office treated Vienna Avelares in 2012 I am not surprised.
****** yet more....http://www.wftv.com/.../controversy-continues.../ndMZJ/
****** I understand there are still other avenues to exhaust.
****** What did the clerk of court say? Didn't they qualify him?!?
****** Yes, the clerk qualified him, but without due process.
****** how do you know!
****** Seems, to relieve the very certain political pressures that the preferential technical 'untruth' route might relieve vs fulfilling the full and thorough extent of an official duty vacated, at least temporarily to quiet both media and onlookers. How's that working for everybody so far ?
****** So it looks like your problem is with Alana and the court! not Juan! Out her not him! All he did was file! She according to you didn't do her due diligence! And things can appear all they want! The ppl want facts! Give me facts not SPECULATION! I'm not in support of anyone right now! I want to look and see which candidate is the right one for me!
****** Actually I did out her. But I am calling him out also and the local leaders who turn their heads and act like all is well. Accountability is what I'm after. Alana needs to do her job. Juan needs to quit lying. The elected officials need to speak for the people.
****** If you feel that strong do what you will! All this energy in finding dirt instead of help! #MyCommunity smh
******I remember a time the DEC stood behind candidates! Aren't these ppl Dems? Who is the DEC supporting?
****** It looks to me like the DEC is not supporting anyone in District 5
****** which means the DEC as a whole doesn't care about the poor black district! Wow! Sweep around your own front door before you try to sweep around others! DEC get it TOGETHER!
****** You are exactly right. The DEC doesn't care about the Black District. We have to fend for ourselves. The first thing is to hold everyone accountable. If we are going to follow the rules, then everyone need to follow them.
****** Election is in April and we are less than 2 months away and the DEC doesn't support anyone?!? Then you all wonder why Dems are loosing! Divide and conquer!
****** I Agree again.
****** ****** what's funny is there is corruption in EVERY district. But why are the poor black districts the ones getting press?!?
****** District 5 is where they are spending all the money but not on the poor Black people. Black people are starting to understand the game and fighting back. You can't fool all the people all the time. It looks like time is up.
****** Sooooooo if none of these candidates are support worthy why didn't the DEC push Someone they support?!? What's wrong with this picture?
****** The DEC doesn't care what happens in District 5 or 6. They won't waste their time on anything except trying to get votes for the candidates that they support in county, state or national races.
****** I gotta defend the Party. It is weak. Few people IN DISTRICT 5 participate. So it is hard for the Party to know what is happening or what is the right thing to do. Clearly there is a lot of room for more participation from people who are busy with other things, but the Party is a tool to use. Juan does not come to the DEC, but both Regina and Cynthia are Members. They have been active. The DEC is prohibited from "picking" candidates when it does not have real representation of the community defined as 75% of the seats filled. People can MAKE the DEC care more by attending and making their arguments coherently in public. At the City, I do beleive that the clerks office has been a joke in this matter (its not the Clerk of Court, but the City Clerk who is a trained attorney) and to now discover that the law is meaningless when they have used it to force out other candidates AGAINST Daisy Lynum in the past really looks unbalanced. I think Lawrence laid it all out quite well. The phrase bona fide in the last means "Good Faith" and it does nto appear to apply to Juan's residence except that he has kept papers to assert his rights.
****** Vigorous energy applied to verifying truth (s) is a service of helping voters in our community even though truth dis
****** That being said, ****** actually may have a point.
****** Actually, did qualify him.
****** Alana (voice typos) is a part of the problem, and the lack of her actual diligence in this is crazy, lot of confusion... and there are definite serious questions about residency is undeniable and her non-position on taking a stand on it is creating an error within that office. So what is the state attorney going to do is the question... particularly because of some obvious discrepancies in that office is policy application. So I think it is going to be interesting, primarily because of legal precedents that are the crucial point of rule for determining this type of interpretive situation.
****** NOW, the evidence regarding the office network location can be arbitrary however ,the information about that VIRTUAL office is pretty compelling because it draws a laser straight line to where most of his activities draw him to Tampa. It makes it very ...See More
****** It should read would: clear Mr. Lynum, Jr of any clouds over his head, and this you know is a questionable campaign.
****** and please pardon voice dictation errors,my device has challenges : !
****** type! LOL
****** Typing doesn't always help ****** lol. My tablet is possessed and changes things and even adds stuff lol.
****** Why don't we just let the voters of the community decide Lynum's fate and if he is qualified to serve. Everyone in the district has a vote and a chance to give their say.
****** There is a system in place to qualify. Everyone should follow the same system.
******* Agreed ******, and the 'system' in place has been in place as a building block of final point vetting for years. That is the most primary and fair requirement for all candidates. Adding elastic to this cornerstone policy sets a precedent that would malign a number of laws and policies. No exceptions.
****** Well the system in place says he can run! So go vote in April! Amen
****** No, not quite so. Ms. Brenner is not the system of letters but a lead who has chosen in error to ignore it and act independent of the longstanding system of requisites. There is a distinction in contrary action that invites investigation regardless of candidate subject(s).
(Another Thread)
****** Wow, council person with guts.
****** To clean the air, the OCDEC should hire an attorney to file a formal complaint to get Mr. Lynum out of the ballot if irregularities were committed. If they do not do that, I think being mute in this issue make the institution as guilty as them. Now is the opportunity for our local party to clean house, rise to the occasion and clear things up through our legal system.
****** Lets give the system a little chance to clean itself up. I'll bet that the City Clerk and City Attorney are working overtime on this. Let's see what happens.
February 11 at 10:48am · Unlike · 1
****** Not Only Should it Get Some Press; We Should All Organize a Boycott of any Local or Regional Media that REFUSES to Cover this Set of TRUTHS. Often Truth Hurts. We Should Sue if any resident of her District Suffers right L Along with th9ose of our District Five and Six Who are Already Tyrannized by the Osceola Monarch; Yes he was Raised in Cow Town Folks. That Explains a Lot also. First Friday at Monte Carlo: Let's All Meet!
****** Wow! Bravo
****** It's time to collectively remove the "old guard" and their minions.
****** Far too many disappointments have occurred contingent only on a wait and see. It's more prudent to be ready with plan B as Carlos suggested, as backup to plan A.
****** little by little everything will fall n place and the truth will come out.
****** ****** This is the first place to get the truth out.
****** OK - summarizing today, Lynum, the son, makes the argument that the house in Sumter is his by inheritance and that he claimed the Homestead as a "right" under Florida tax law, but he only went there as an infrequent get-away (the tax law may need to be re-visited by the legislature if this is the case); he further says that, though his wife and daughter live in Tampa, he only went there on weekends as he was working in Orlando and "living" at Lynum, the mother's, house. He has no "lease" as required by the city ordinance, but pays the utilities bill. He says that his wife and daughter will move here, IF he is elected. The utility bill is in the name of the son at the house in Orlando. I guess the law which requires residence is pretty meaningless or that the city does not wish to enforce its terms strictly. I guess people will have to ask Juan why his wife has not been willing to commit to Orlando all this time. If you run based on family, I would think that the entire family would want to be engaged in this City, whether he wins or loses. Juan has not held any of his appointed jobs in Orlando for several years.
****** ******. People need to ask Juan about their issues and where he stands on the issues. Juan's family situation is not your business or anyone else. Juan's wife is a working woman and where she choose to work is their business. Why should you or anyone else worry about his family arrangements. Do you pay his bills?
****** When you become a public servant it is thepeoples right to know how you will serve Ronaa Flagler Ali and it speaks to character and ethical principle he should use to help govern if he can't be trusted to be honest about his living arraignments he can't be trusted to lead. Would you trust a thief in your house alone because he tells you you can? Same principle...
****** *****. If the people wants to know how he will serve, they need to ask him about the issues that are important to them. In regards to his living arrangements...the city clerk certified him and how do you know what he said is not true? Juan is not an elected Public Servant yet and how he will serve has not been determined. In regards to anyone running for District 5 how do you know what they say is true and how will they serve, can they be trusted. The only way a thief will come into my home is that I invite them. I do not equate my home to the city council but maybe you do!!!! By the way Vincent Polite Sr., can you be trusted?
23 hours ago · Like
****** WOW ******, that is a very fair question, 'Can you be trusted?' Maybe City Clerk Alana Brenner will qualify you. Obviously, Ms. Brenner's decisions are the final answer, right?
****** ****** - Surely you can recognize that personal lives affect popular perception and ability to serve with the confidence of the voters. Juan might make a perfectly great Commissioner, but the manner of his entering this race is unique and the questions reflect the sense that a lot of people have that City Hall is a place where the business of the people is done by insiders worrying about themselves, not us. We already know more about Juan than we did a week ago. Homestead elsewhere. Wive and child elsewhere. Work elsewhere. All these are issues ONLY because the City Council, with enthusiastic support from the current Commissioner, voted to pass a residence requirement which seemingly applies, but has loopholes. What other laws does the City have with loopholes? Are they selectively enforced? These are legitimate questions. And they were exacerbated when the incumbent filed and then withdrew after the filing period ended.
23 hours ago · Unlike · 1
****** ******. Let me tell you what I recognize. #1 there are now three individual running for District 5. #2 I do not need you are anyone else educating me on what you perceive is going on and #3 I have only one vote and I will use it wisely For District 5!!!
****** That I can be trusted is not the issue at hand as i like everyone jere is merely expressing my views and thoughts. I am not running for office, nor am I holding myself up as the person who can most likely solved the issue of D5. Following your logic We should take his word for it because he says so when HE has proven through actions of using privilage and cpnnection that he will amd is not an ethical person. And please don't insult the intelligence of others by deflect with red herring questioning. Any resonable person would have trouble drawning the conclusion that based on his axtions and behaviors so far his ju dgement and character is suspect due to recent efforts of the Lynum family and operatives.
****** ****** Thank you but I am not interested!! I only answered you because you directed your statement to me. You have the right to think whatever you want. I did not say to take his word or any other candidates word. I am saying he is certified to run by the city clerk. Now I am finished with my conversation with you.
****** It amazes me that in 2014 people are still willing to accept things at face value with out using thier own ability to engage in logic and cognitive processing....