The Tea Party: No More Popular Than The Klan

TeaPartyby Attorney taleph Haynes Davis, Esq.
Note to All Political Candidates: Stop Trying to Get Votes by Trying to Put Fear in Black-Americans by Using Klan Imagery for Political Gain.


First, there was former Florida Congressman Alan Grayson, a Democrat, and his congressional campaign (he's running again) sending out a fundraising email likening the tea party to the Ku Klux Klan, complete with an image of a burning cross as reported by media outlets on October 22, 2013.

Now you have Wisconsin Democratic candidate for governor Brett Hulsey, who according to media reports published on May 1, 2014, was planning to hand out white Ku Klux Klan-style hoods to Wisconsin Republicans as they gather for their annual convention Friday May 3, 2014, to highlight

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what he says are their racist policies.

Both politicians by doing so, according to these reports, are demonstrating their blatant opportunism and their blatant "entitlement" by recklessly playing on emotions.

And the emotions that they are recklessly trying to induce and manipulate for votes are the emotions of black-Americans and black-American voters. You know it, and I know it.

It's called use of "Klan fear for political gain" and for your votes.

And I find it reprehensible.

Both of these politicians will attempt to get the emotions of all Americans going (in general) with these types of emotional-psychological-sociological-political games, by using the imagery connected to the most dangerous domestic terrorist group the United States has ever known and that is the Ku Klux Klan.

But make no mistake about it, candidates like these two individuals are purposefully and recklessly and directly trying to induce and manipulate black-American voters for their political gain and benefit.

Don't be bamboozled by use of "Klan fear for political gain" and for your votes.

The use of "Klan fear for political gain" is in vogue.

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