Why Does Jibreel Ali Want To Crush Commissioner Regina Hill?
- Details
- Category: Politics
- Published: Tuesday, 28 July 2015 13:00
- Written by Marie Debra
Intro by staff
Jibreel Ali has been a thorn in the side of Commissioner Regina Hill, claiming that she is not good for the community even while she is standing beside him in photo-ops and helping him with his Homeowner Association and other community projects. Talk about a stabbing someone in the back while looking them in the eye.
Jibreel Ali said that Commissioner Hill is 'either ignorant or incompetent' and called for her immediate
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termination and removal from office. This is a very bold and brazen statement. Why would he say such a thing?
Jibreel Ali and his band of cohorts wants Ms. Hill out of the City Council. The 'street committee' says that Jibreel Ali wants that city council seat for himself and will do almost anything to get it.
There were hundreds of social media comments on this topic mostly supportive of Commissioner Hill. The few that weren't supportive of Ms. Hill, really didn't explain their point or make reference to the contents of the article.
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Here is one social media comment that may explain Jibreel Ali's thinking a little better. This comment is unsolicited and unedited by CommunitySteeple staff.
Background info-Jibreel Ali is the grandson of former Commissioner Mable Butler.
by Marie Debra
His grandmother touted that giving black voters power and knowledge opens doors. Considering she was the first black county commissioner. I would like to think Ali fully grasps how his grandmother had to deal with forms of discrimination, in her climb to political office and as a woman. Of course, many in Orlando are thankful for her contributions to feeding the hungry. Doing so does not give her grandson card blanche to denigrate Hill.
We all know how his grandmother was controversial and insulting to many. I view Commissioner Hill like Ali's grandmother in some respects, especially as a tenacious fighter. Commissioner Hill is the woman, the constituent his grandmother fought to groom, in her supposed desire to ensure women got their fair share in business. Its unfortunate Ali fails to see that in many ways these two women are very much alike, with their intensity and drive to work hard for their constituents. Perhaps Ali feels he can walk in his grandmother's shoes when it comes to criticism. Also, we all know how his grandmother treated adults in a subservient and maternal manner one second then the next second use that same bully tactic, this time with a smile as though she likes you.
Commissioner Hill is part of the group when Ali talks about his grandmother's mantra, "we are our brothers' keepers." Why should Commissioner Hill be any different in Ali's eyes? His grandmothers ego and his should be put in check, the jealousy that causes someone to look at themselves solely when it comes to civic accomplishments is sad. His grandmother has a tendency to become jealous hearted, like she did when Homer Hartage got more credit than she did for helping bring the city project … FAMUs law school (headed by Crotty) to Orlando.