Who Is This Donald Trump Anyway?

DonaldTrump menaceby James DeShay
Eight years ago, the United State of America created a feeling of pride in my spirit after electing Barack Obama as president of the United States Of America. I truly believed at that moment we had turned the corner on racism and bigotry; but now as we start the 2016 presidential election I see our country going backward.

It is truly unbelievable that so many individuals are embracing Donald Trump as a possible president.

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He is at best an opportunist. There is no place for Donald Trump in the future of presidential politics. After electing Barack Obama, we solidified what the American Dream truly stood for across country. Now too many Americans seem willing to toss progress in the trash 

for a crazy businessman.

It is hard to determine what is the driving force that is responsible for his rise in the polls. If Donald Trump were to win the presidential election it would set the progress made by Americans back in a lot of different areas. Donald Trump displays an unwillingness to control his arrogant behavior. He creates division between races, gender and governments. No entity seems to be off his radar in terms of outrages comments. The statements made by this man could only be
called insensitive at best.

It is just troubling to me that we find ourselves in this situation at this stage of the election process. No individual should be given the right to display such insensitivity and remain a serious contender for presidency. I hope over the duration of the election process Americans come to their senses. The 2016 Election is one of the most important elections of our time. A clear voice needs to be heard from those electing the next president. We need someone who is able to bring the country together. Donald Trump is not that person.

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James T. DeShay - The host of Thoughts Love & Reflections
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