Why Was My Existence So Minor?

Trayvon Martin InStoreWhy was my existence seen as
so minor and the absence of my
breathing so easily over looked

How can my life be made invisible
by a stranger who predetermined my
value and decide I no longer need to
share his world

Why did no one hear my cries and run
to my aid; but were so prepared to
 believe the fiction of my executioner


Where is the justice of my living and
the outrage of my final dismissal? Who
will be held accountable for my name being
changed to John Doe while my parents
waited for my return

I left my world so easily and senseless; never
fulfilling the dreams of my birthright;
with the acceptance of people who
vowed to keep me safe

Where were my first responders who
were committed to my life and the
truth of my final breath


By James DeShay
