LorettaWhiteAre you a good neighbor? What is, by definition, a neighbor? According to Random House Webster’s Student Notebook Dictionary Plus, a neighbor is near to another, and there are a variety of meanings for the word Good. 1) Morally excellent. 2) Of high or adequate quality. 3) Well-behaved. 4) Kind. 5) Valid and 6) favorable.

Now as we all know, that regardless of anything else, when you see the word GOoD, GOD has got to be in it! There is no way around that. So if you consider yourself a good neighbor with these qualities, GOD will show in YOU!


This doesn’t mean that you run around complaining about every single thing wrong in your community. It means get out and do something GOoD in your communities. Who are your neighbors? It takes someone to start acting neighborly, then it causes a chain reaction. Most of the time when there are meetings in communities, there are more complaints than solutions. It’s time for a change of SELF. Are you a problem solver, looking for many solutions, or are you a complainer only seeing and dwelling on problems? Do you want to be a part of the solution or continue looking for problems?

How do your neighbors see you? As someone who never have time to speak, too busy to lend a helping hand, a gossiper, a role model, someone that your/their children can look up to? Does your positive/negative actions speak louder than words?
Are you willing to make a difference in other communities as well as your own? Changing the way you think, most of the time is the very first step.

So becoming a better neighbor actually starts with YOU! So be a GOoD neighbor….Starting TODAY!

Loretta Morris-White and her associates (believe me, there are entirely too many to name), have started a great initiative in communities, by utilizing the ARTS. As a Film Student at Seminole State College, Loretta has met with other students, U.S. Military Veterans, and many concerned business men and women throughout Central Florida, where she has shared her Stage Play production strategies that will include neighbors of all races, religious/cultural backgrounds, ages and etc. She will be hosting various shows, luncheons, networking events that will explain and describe how breaking down walls and rebuilding will work to Change our communities.

“While In the military, as I served this great Country, there were people of many diversities. We may have seen it in the beginning, but by the time we were broken down and rebuilt; we became blind to race and religious differences. We began to trust and believe in each other, not being judgmental. We bonded and had only love for one another. We would not consider hurting each other, no matter what. We protected each other. We were now a Team of one. But it started with us first having to be broken and torn down from our own old selves and corrupt ways of thinking. We had to be rebuilt. So this is also what it will take out here in these communities.”

So as you think on a daily basis from now on out, how you can be a great, wonderful and GOoD neighbor, please consider joining forces or participating in some neighborhood events that will help put neighbors back in our hood….allowing Neighborhoods to become more welcoming and enjoyable for our families to live.