A Nelson Mandela Tribute
- Details
- Category: Lifestyle/People
- Published: Friday, 06 December 2013 23:00
The death of Nelson Mandela should not have been a surprise to anyone. He has been ill for several months and he was 95 years old. Still, the death of a great person like Nelson Mandela just pulls at our heart strings. This is a person who dedicated his life to improve the lives of others. It is only fitting that people all over the world now will pay tribute to a great man in remembrance of his struggles and his accomplishments.
All media the world over have responded to Nelson Mandela's death. The social media circuit is still hot with tribute after tribute for one of the greatest leaders of our time. The editors of CommunitySteeple.com has taken the liberty of re-posting some of the comments from the social media site, FaceBook, and added a few images of Mr. Mandela.
J Willie David III
FCRA Says: "Nelson Mandela's Life and Legacy Will Not Go Unnoticed"
The Florida Civil Rights Association joins the world in mourning the death of a global civil rights hero, former South African President Nelson Mandela.
I am deeply saddened to learn of the recent death of Nelson Mandela, a political prisoner for 27 years who became President of a nation that unjustly imprisoned him, said J. Willie David, III, President of the Florida Civil Rights Association. Mandela had a profound gift to inspire entire nations with the courage of his convictions and the depth of his faith to fight for peace and equality while confined in a jail cell," David added.
America, like South Africa will celebrate the life and legacy of former President Mandela in our annual parades and during Black History Month, stated David. He will not be forgotten.
Muhammad Ali
I am deeply saddened by the passing of Mr. Mandela. His was a life filled with purpose and hope; hope for himself, his country and the world. He inspired others to reach for what appeared to be impossible and moved them to break through the barriers that held them hostage mentally, physically, socially and economically. He made us realize, we are our brother's keeper and that our brothers come in all colors.
What I will remember most about Mr. Mandela is that he was a man whose heart, soul and spirit could not be contained or restrained by racial and economic injustices, metal bars or the burden of hate and revenge. He taught us forgiveness on a grand scale. His was a spirit born free, destined to soar above the rainbows. Today his spirit is soaring through the heavens.
He is now forever free.
-Muhammad Ali
Pastor Joe Flores
There are those who will never understand why we honor with such passion the lives of men like Nelson Mandela. There are three reasons. 1. Because men of this power and substance are only allowed to exist on this planet every 100 years. 2. There are never more than three of them on the planet at the same time . 3. Their existence redirects the course of history for every person on the planet from the time of their birth through the last generation before eternity. -Pastor Joe Flores
Clinton Salter It does seem that men and women of integrity are "...few and far between..." and even less of them than we deserve. I think it's important to note that the world has been forever changed by his life and what it inspired in us to fight injustice everywhere, so like you I weep though I'm encouraged that there is a fire growing inside people to become fully vested in the solutions needed to solve many the disparate, and inhumane conditions that continue even today in our land of 'opportunity'
Kelvin Larance Cobaris
"The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear "- Nelson Mandela.
A legend and leader has died, former President of South Africa President, Nelson Mandela received his heavenly crown at age 95. He spent most of his life fighting the injustices of apartheid. He fought a good fight, he finished his course, he kept the faith. Servant of God well done... A world changer is at rest. Let the fight for freedom continue!
Attorney Joe Davis- In the 80's when I was in graduate school at the University of Pennsylvania and at WUSL-FM Power 99 FM in Philly, this man and his determination for liberty, equality, freedom and dignity for black-South Africans while incarcerated as political prisoner lit a fire under me as a young man that has stayed lit to this day. Once I read his story back then, and studied the history surrounding what I called "the criminal institution known as apartheid in South Africa", I understood better as a man that in this life you better be equipped with education, knowledge, the ability to articulate orally, and have the ability to articulate by reducing your thoughts in writing in a cohesive, and persuasive way and fight for every single right that you are entitled to as a human being. After I read that he was also a
lawyer-advocate, I connected with him even more. His commitment to freedom from oppression, by any means, connected to me then, and still does. I am in tears........ But like one of my early radio mentors Brut Bailey respectfully said today here on Facebook, "we knew it was coming"......the great ones light a fire in us that never, ever goes out.......and in this instant with this man, the strongest of us has lived the longest among us. RIP- Nelson Mandela.
Evelyn Bethune
Nelson Mandela was 1 of the most incredible people who ever lived I am sure then he and Mary Mcleod Bethune are having the best conversation walking around all day. Free at last free at last thank God Almighty free at last
Guenet Gittens-Roberts
My Favorite Quote from Nelson Mandela "I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear." May we all remember this great man and continue to live our lives with courage as he did.
Natalie Jackson
WHO IS NELSON MANDELA: Nelson Mandela, spent 27 years as a prisoner in South Africa for opposing apartheid (discrimination based on race), then emerged to become his country's first black president, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and an enduring symbol of integrity, principle and resilience.
Glenn AllGood Wokb
Nelson Mandela rest in peace old warrior. A fight well fought. The world is better because you wouldn't give up...
Pastor Joe FloresParents of people of all races, nationalities, colors and creeds, it would be a huge service of culture, history and moral excellence for you to take the time to intelligently explain to your children who Nelson Mandela is. If you do not know or know only vaguely yourself, it would be an even greater service of self-education to exert the due diligence to learn for yourself who this man is and why he has been so important to the whole world. This knowledge alone, will liberate you from the tyranny of ignorance which has burned the bridges of hope of communication and peace with one another since the beginning of time.-Pastor Joe Flores
Roberta Riggins Walton
RIP President Nelson Mandela! Your commitment, your service to people, to principles of equality, and to the civilization of the world will forever live on! God bless you!
Brenda Purnell Morris Sad to hear about the death of Nelson Mandela and his fight to survive in Africa. Courage is an absent of fear! I cried when I heard about his passing. Rest in peace Mr. Mandela!
Natalie Jackson
Nelson Mandela: warrior & peacemaker (the best leaders have a little bit of both in their spirit)..."well done good & faithful servant"
Camara Williams
Rest in HOPE and GLORY Brother Mandela. For you provided many in this world with that special gift.
Paula Denise
Much gratitude and great respect for quality of man you were, Mr. Mandela... and the determined conviction to 'walk your talk' with love, compassion,incomparable leadership,understanding and integrity. As you smiled at us, God will smile at you. May your family be comforted by loving memories. RIP Nelson Mandela.
Reginald Hinson
Today we lost a man who has known struggle like no other. We should all aspire to the perseverance, resolve, wisdom, dedication, and courage of Nelson Mandela. If we all can reach half of what he was, our world would be better. RIP Brother Mandela, your legacy will never be forgotten.
Bill Milner
. . . "the normal condition for human existence is democracy, justice, peace, non-racism, non-sexism, prosperity for everybody, a healthy environment and equality and solidarity among the peoples."
~Nelson Mandela
Beli Sterling
Mr. Nelson Mandela has transitioned to be with God at the age of 95. I thank him so much for his contributions to South Africa and the world. My heart is very heavy and sad. Sending condolences and prayers to his family. He was an amazing leader that endured so much adversity in his lifetime. RIP Mr. Mandela. Your battle is won. Mandela: A Long Walk to Freedom.
taleph Haynes Davis
The fact that individuals like Dick Cheney and Margaret Thatcher (and there were and are others) who would call Nelson Mandela a "terrorist" and challenge the personal freedom struggle of a whole nation of people, and object to the dismantling of apartheid, and use intellectually and politically neutered theories like "constructive engagement" as to the approach to dismantle apartheid during the 1980's, should indicate to all who read these comments the status of those two individuals and their places in world history at the end of the day do not compare, when compared to and contrasted with Nelson Mandela's status and his effect on humanity and his position in world history and his love of his country.
Everett Spruill- Original painting of Nelson Mandela www.everett-spruill.artistwebsites.com
Paula Denise
Kimlyn Whitted
Remembering a Powerful Mind * graceful soul * a giver of knowledge * risk taker * a man of character and Strength. NMandela
Ralland B. Miller
It's yet the honest person's challenge for our movement toward that good and just society.
Paula Denise
MANDELA QUOTE: "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
Paula Denise
Much gratitude and great respect for quality of man you were, Mr. Mandela... and the determined conviction to 'walk your talk' with love, compassion,incomparable leadership,understanding and integrity. As you smiled at us, God will smile at you. May your family be comforted by loving memories. RIP Nelson Mandela.
Sylvia Arnold
Ronita Marie Sanders
I dream of the realization of the unity of Africa, whereby its leaders combine in their efforts to solve the problems of this continent. I dream of our vast deserts, of our forests, of all our great wildernesses. ??
Nelson Mandela
Patreza Newton
Well Done! Rest In Peace ! Well Done!
Latasha LynnMy heart weeps for the passing of one of the most peaceful human beings this world had to offer. May God be with and bless the family and friends of Mr. Mandela. Your presence and peaceful nature will be vastly missed.
MessengerTo All
To: The people of South Africa, and to those who loved and admired NELSON MANDELA. I salute Nelson Mandela for his courage and perseverance in the long struggle against APARTHEID, for freedom and human rights for Black South Africans. Our world need more Men and Women like Nelson Mandela who do not give on that which is right, when faced with adversity.
Homer Hartage
" The Struggle... Is My Life," Mandela, I am wearing a tee-shirt we wore in college with that simple quote. (yes I saved it). One of my first political actions was an effort to get Seton Hall University to divest investment in South Africa as long as it practiced apartheid, 'segregation or discrimination on grounds of race'. Mandela, a man who changed the world for the good. We are better because he was born. I am fortunate to have visited South Africa, to have seen his home and walked on Robin Island the prison that held Mandela for 27 years before he was freed and elected president of the country he loved.
Beverlye Colson Neal
Good Morning FB Family. I am glad to see so many honoring the life and legacy of President Nelson Mandela. It took a real man of courage and commitment to do the things he did for so many. My question to you, are you willing to give just a portion of your life to commit to helping to free your people? Yes what he did was commendable, let's not just give lip service but real hands on service, this way you can really give a testament to the life of President Mandela. ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS!
Kevin James
Nelson Mandela - I remember being embarrassed when I first started at Hampton University as I felt like I was the only one who had never heard of Apartheid; never heard of Nelson Mandela. I remember George McDonald giving fiery speeches about oppression and referencing Nelson Mandela. Then I saw the movie "Cry Freedom," the story of Steven Biko. I wore a bracelet to make people aware of Nelson Mandela. I remember when Nelson Mandela was freed and I attended the ticker tape parade in the Canyon of Hero's along Broadway in Manhattan. Today, we celebrate his extraordinary life and honor ALL that he has done and meant to South Africa and the world. Angels are in celebration as he enters the gates of heaven and forever.
Dijullio Jacobs
Think of the world today had Elder Nelson Mandela not been it. We have lost a champion of freedom but have gained eternal inspiration to fight for what is right.
Beverlye Colson Neal
Good Morning FB Family. I am glad to see so many honoring the life and legacy of President Nelson Mandela. It took a real man of courage and commitment to do the things he did for so many. My question to you, are you willing to give just a portion of your life to commit to helping to free your people? Yes what he did was commendable, let's not just give lip service but real hands on service, this way you can really give a testament to the life of President Mandela. ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS!
Sylvester Terry
Pausing for a moment to recognize the life of a Nation and World Unifier.---------------
Earl L. Small
" Men are not appraised by the weight of their words but by the depth of their doings."
R.I.P. Nelson Mandela.
Homer Hartage
" The Struggle... Is My Life," Mandela, I am wearing a tee-shirt we wore in college with that simple quote. (yes I saved it). One of my first political actions was an effort to get Seton Hall University to divest investment in South Africa as long as it practiced apartheid, 'segregation or discrimination on grounds of race'. Mandela, a man who changed the world for the good. We are better because he was born. I am fortunate to have visited South Africa, to have seen his home and walked on Robin Island the prison that held Mandela for 27 years before he was freed and elected president of the country he loved.
Bree Bennett
When I think about not only what he endured but the humility which he possessed, his persistence and sacrifice to fight for freedom, I am forever grateful. This man did not have any time for foolishness and has earned the crown which I am certain was presented to him as he entered the Pearly Gates. What a great example of a man who fulfilled his purpose which God placed him on earth to do.
Lance Scurvin
Do not let Nelson Mandela's legacy be reduced to that of a Rock Star, many claim Jesus today but would've run from him when times got rough!