Good Bye Victor, Rest In Peace

Victor TimAdamsMy good friend, Dr. Tim Adams' son, Victor Adams, transitioned this week. I have always been at a lost for words during this type of situation. What do you say when you are trying to comfort your friend and their family when they are experiencing this type of heart ache? There is nothing on earth that can take away this agony and restore joy. But, there is another source.

I am not a pastor or a preacher, but I pray that Dr. Tim Adams and family can find comfort and solace in the comments below and within their own faith. These are just a few of the hundreds of comments from social media offering condolence. The Adams family is clearly in the thoughts and prayers of the community.

We offer our condolences on behalf of The African American Council of Christian Clergy to one of our founding members Dr. Tim Adams and family. Our hearts are sadden by the news of the passing of his son Victor Adams and we are confidant that God will sustain you and your family during this time.

Tim please know that you and your family are in my prayers! While I can't pretend to know what you must be feeling after the loss of a child I can attest to you that God does know best and he will heal your grieving heart. God bless you!

May God wrap you in His grace and mercy during this time. My condolences to your family. Continue to hold God's unchanging hand!

I can't believe my friend Victor Adams has passed. I just stopped by and saw you last night! You smiled and waved I never thought that would be the last time I would see you. Then today my mom called me and told me that you had went home to glory! The facility won't be the same without your smiling face. No more pain its your time to rest.

Mr. Adams. My heart is heavy. Praying for you and your family during this sad time. Victor Adams you were a great friend and I will never forget you. ...

Victor I will love you forever. You were a joyous and loving friend. I will miss our talks and no one will ever take your place in my heart.
Condolences to you and your family Tim Adams

My condolences to you and your family. May you find peace and comfort during your time of bereavement

May your son find rest in the open and loving arms of God.

Victor Heaven In PEACE, Glory to GOD for Salvation.

Dr. Tim Adams, ThD :
Thank you, for Your Prayers and Condolences.; Memorial Services for Victor R. Adams; Saturday, Jan. 9th, 11:00 A. M. at the = SOUTH SIDE Church of CHRIST; Raleigh Street at Lennox Blvd. 32805 = God Bless You;

~Order Of Services~ (Mr. Victor Adams)
Presiding ----- Dr. D. Z. Washington
Processional --"What a Friend We Have In Jesus" - Rico Brown
Final Viewing & Selection - "A Mansion Robe and Crown" – Rico Brown
Prayer -------------------- Minister Harvey Drummer
Reading of Old Testament ------ Dennis Gallagher
Reading of New Testament --- Tim Adams, Th. D.
Solo ---"It Is Well With My Soul" --- Kenyon Adams
Selection --- "Because He Lives"-
Dr. Tyrone Adams, M. D.
Expressions 2 Minutes Please
As A Christian --------------------- Dr. Courtney Ball
As A Friend ------------------------------- Cory Crusoe
As A Brother ---------------- Timeka Adams Vereen
Ansley Johnson
Tyler Johnson
As A Father ----------------------- Kennedy Adams
As A Cousin ------------------------ Monique Jackson
Obituary ------------------------- Please read Silently
Reading of Resolution ---------------- Cora Fullmore
Acknowledgment ---------------------Kim Adams
Selection ----"God Will Take Care of You" -------- Brother Tony Adams
Eulogy ------------------- Minister Willie Fullmore
Selection-- "Where Could I Go But To The Lord"--- Brother Tony Adams
Benediction ---------- Minister Harvey Drummer
Recessional & Selection ------ "No Tears In Heaven" --------- Brother Rico Brown
~ Honorary Pallbearers ~
Brothers Uncles
Ansley Johnson Andrew Hubbard
Tyler Johnson ……… Tyrone Adams, M. D.
Anthony Adams
George Hardy Sr.
~ Active Pallbearers ~
Johnny Robinson
Jerry Barnes
George L. Hardy
Raymond Tartt Jr.
Marcus Jones
Renard McFarland