How Many Years Should Regina Hill Remain Commissioner? Eight Is Enough

Regina Hill reddressBy Lawrence A Robinson
I worked with Regina Hill in her bid to beat the 16 year incumbent for the District 5 position in 2014. After we won, I asked Regina will she consider running for Mayor of Orlando after she's had time to learn her way around City Hall? She said yes, then spent the next four years putting all of her effort in District 5 and learning the ropes.

Four years later after we won reelection as District 5 Commissioner, I asked her that question again. And again, Regina Hill said yes. An again, she spent the next four years putting all of her effort into District 5 and learning how city hall works.

Regina Hill has spent eight years in District 5. How many years should she stay before moving to the next level? I think that eight is enough, don't you?

She has reached her peak in District 5 and can only do more if the Mayor allows her to do more. But he won't. For us to get more done in District 5, we have to control more of the operations of the city. Regina Hill is the best hope to become our Mayor, and she is ready for the job.

She will get comfortable in the position if she wins another term as District 5 Commissioner. We most vote her out of District 5 so that she will keep her promise to me and the community. She must run for Mayor of Orlando, now. Sometimes you just gotta give people a little push. I have waited eight years. Now is the time, Regina. Let's do this.