Daisy Lynum: A Legacy of Failure

DaisyLynum5by Dr.Vincent Polite
Whenever a politician speaks glowingly of birthrights, heritage and legacies, you can almost be certain someone somewhere was screwed royally. In many aspects, politics and politicians have replaced gangsters as public enemies, as you cannot find any state in the union in which they are thought of in favorable light.

For some reason Orlando seems to grow the vilest kind, the ones who won't leave, and those who seek to maintain the 18th century status quo and regulating those who are deemed undesirable to the sideline, to be obedient to the ringmaster's whistle.

Legacy is such a funny word to use in describing what you have done, and depending on your real intent in using the word, it can show either good or ill will. Commissioner Lynum's recent use of the word "legacy" was a very interesting choice or turn of phrase. By most accounts, legacy to most means leaving money or property to a love one after dying or something that's handed down from an ancestor by will or bequest. It is something done out of love, respect and to protect what you most prize.

However, another definition of the word "legacy" is moreJericho Logo200X67 appropriate in describing her real intentions and motives during her 16 years of inept leadership. Legacy also means old methods, systems, or application used to maintain the status of a system well past its lifetime through a process of hacks, updates and patches.BCard

Usually the reason a legacy system continues to operate is that the original system owner wishes to continue to gain some advantage, market share or money, or usually both. It is to no one's surprise that there continues to be a legacy group of people in Orlando who will benefit from her failure to provide real growth and leadership within her district. She has shouted down anyone who has even DARED to question her regarding failed district projects, and promised funding that never materialized, as well as stalled projects and any attempt by others to work within the system to address real issues in a cohesive and comprehensive manner

As someone who has had the responsibility of leadership since the age of 17, I fully understand the concept. No one person ever has all the information, plans or answers it takes a team of people with various degrees of knowledge to put together the best possible product or solutions. If that was done in district five, the outcome borders on criminal…

Related: Newsflash:Politics Is Corrupt

Yes, there is a real legacy … a failed legacy where the QUEEN of PARRAMORE walks down the PATHWAYS for PARRAMORE to the CREATIVE VILLAGE that was never built! Now that is leadership!  Zero for Three on every major project that was proposed according to the city's own website: "the Pathways initiative decided to focus on five key areas: housing, public safety, business development, children and education and quality of life. The goal for the last several years and years to come is to restore the Parramore Heritage community into a safe, livable, sustainable, and prosperous place Orlando citizens, businesses and institutions can thrive."

5,844 days on the job and still waiting on your first success… oh and I guess we know which definition of legacy you meant!
Orlando, C. o. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.cityoforlando.net/Elected/parramore/index.htm


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