Candidate's Web Site- on Community Steeple Media

Campaign web-site suggestions

1. Home page should change often (suggest twice weekly) - when visitors come, should see something new. News articles, campaign events, fund           raisers or commentary.
2. Feeds from your FaceBook, Twitter and You Tube accounts on the home page.
3. Banner at top of homage should display your slogan and links to social media that you are using.
4. Main Menu items should be: About: Issues: News: Video: Contact: Volunteer

About: Your bio. In 2 forms. A chronological biography that is easy to read so that everyone knows where you were raised, the schools you attended, the jobs you held, the charitable causes you have been involved with and the honors you have received.

This is not a place to exaggerate what you have done. If you embellish, inflate or claim degrees you have not earned, it will come back to haunt you, so make sure your biography is dead on accurate before you post it.

In addition, you should post your story; your principal story, about some seminal event in your life that changed who you are and what you became, and a story that helps voters understand why you view the world the way you do. One that helps the voter understand your deeply held beliefs and moral principles. Putting this story on the 'about' page lets voters know what makes you tick.

Issues. The issues page is where you let people know where you stand on issues of our time and matters that may be of concern to you and them. How many and what issues do you cover depends on the position you are running for. You don't need to address all the issues, but will need to address those that matter to your jurisdiction. You should have two or three paragraphs on each issue with pictures embedded in copy to make the web site interesting.

News: The news page is a great place to put endorsements, press releases, videos and pictures of you on the campaign trail. Pictures of press conferences, speeches, flattering photographs, factory tours, town hall meetings, you, visiting small businesses and just about anything else you are doing on the campaign trail.

This tells viewers that you are an active and passionate candidate. It lets your contributors know that you are doing what you need to do to win the election, and it gives volunteers a chance to be seen and given credit for the work they are doing. It also gives news reporters and community influencers a better sense of who you are, your energy and your passion for the job.

Video: Your YouTube Channel should be embedded on a page of your web site for a number of reasons: Video is a great way to communicate your story, your issue positions, speeches, press conferences and campaign activities. Many voters, much prefer video to words pasted on a screen. When you are on camera, voters see your body language, your facial expressions, your passion and energy. When voters see your videos, or you talking, they can better remember you and what you said. YouTube Videos are easy to do, inexpensive, and an entertaining way to share your message with voters.

Contact: Page is just that. It lets voters know your headquarters, phone number and physical address and how to e-mail a question or comment.

Contribution button and Volunteer button, these two items should be on every page of your web site, along with your phone number and social media icons.

The first page of your web site is your 'Landing Page.' Every other titled page, (about: issues: news: video: contact: volunteer), are all capture pages.
A key function of your web site is to capture the e-mail addresses of people willing to leave them. Give something away if you have to... A subscription to your newsletter, and insider's guide to the campaign, a map with your name on it, an autographed window poster a bumper sticker or a yard sign.
The e-mail addresses that you accumulate are gold. It's a central repository of people who have already expressed an interest in you. This is a growing list of voters that can be nurtured over weeks and months to consistantly donate to your campaign and of course they will vote for you when they are in the voting booth.

A good analytical tool does a marvelous job of telling you who is visiting your web site, how much time they spend on each page, and how they found you. We cannot monitor what we don't measure. And if you wake up one day to find that your web site traffic skyrocketed we need to know why or from where those visitors came. With a site analytics tool installed, we can measure activity.

Make sure you put your web site address on every handout, flyer, in every e-mail you send, every sign, every mail piece, in every ad. When people talk about the position that you are running for, we want them to talk about you.

!. Have stock pictures of you;
   A. Talking to group of supporters
   B. Listening to group of supporters
   C. Talking to one or two supporters
   D.. Listening to one or two supporters

2. Videos: 30: seconds to 1 minute long
   A. Listening to supporters concerns
   B. You, addressing their concerns
   C. Talking about your top 4 or 5 issues
   D. Explaining that you will work with the community leaders to address these issues.
   E. Your family and home life
   F. Create your brand. Tell a short story that explains what you stand for and why.
   G. Interviews
   H. Conversations about issues.
   I. Endorsements
This is the start. The best organized campaign wins. We can do this.

Lorem Ipsum For Regional Office

Family with pet
Family Is Everything - Lorem Ipsum, nullam eget turpis quam. Donec eget ipsum dapibus, auctor velit non, pretium arcu. Quisque finibus varius diam, a vulputate odio dictum eget. Sed vitae dui mi. Fusce ex velit, faucibus vitae nibh nec, pulvinar bibendum lacus. Vivamus blandit cursus vehicula. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce eleifend sem quis eros posuere semper. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae.
Tag Line - Sed mollis euismod felis a mattis. Ut diam purus, auctor quis euismod cursus.
 About  Issues News  Video     Contact
Issues That Are Important To Our Community
house1  The Truth About Housing - Nullam eget turpis quam. Donec eget ipsum dapibus, auctor velit non, pretium arcu. Quisque finibus varius diam, a vulputate odio dictum eget. Sed vitae dui mi. Fusce ex velit, faucibus vitae nibh nec, pulvinar bibendum lacus. Vivamus blandit cursus vehicula. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce eleifend sem quis eros posuere semper. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae. 
 household income The Need To Raise Household Incomes - Phasellus eget neque rutrum, pharetra eros in, ullamcorper lectus. Nam lacinia in lectus in ullamcorper. Duis laoreet maximus venenatis. Morbi pellentesque mattis erat a porta. Phasellus nulla enim, sollicitudin ac dolor in, blandit pellentesque ligula. Vivamus ac sagittis arcu. Phasellus sit amet mi et orci eleifend cursus ut nec ex. Morbi quis nulla imperdiet, tempor libero ac, consectetur ex. Nullam molestie, massa id blandit rutrum, mi ex suscipit ipsum, vitae cursus ligula lectus et justo.
 Justice The Justice System and Implicit Bias - Sed mollis euismod felis a mattis. Ut diam purus, auctor quis euismod cursus, luctus et ex. Integer sed pulvinar nunc. Integer interdum, leo in semper porttitor, ex urna commodo lorem, dignissim feugiat urna felis id urna. Quisque dapibus cursus accumsan. Vestibulum at molestie lorem. Morbi ac ex ultricies, lacinia arcu eget, viverra purus. Aliquam sit amet metus in urna interdum dictum. Cras gravida ante vitae iaculis dapibus. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque venenatis et metus nec placerat. 
 education Our Children and Their Education - Fusce id venenatis ex. Donec porta semper arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus ex urna, viverra vel dignissim in, rutrum et neque. Nulla ut accumsan libero, at auctor metus. Integer vel magna in arcu rutrum posuere. Vivamus id odio ut ante lacinia ornare at eget augue. Aliquam at tortor vitae arcu pulvinar sodales.
 Local business Let's Grow Locally Owned Businesses - Phasellus sit amet mi et orci eleifend cursus ut nec ex. Morbi quis nulla imperdiet, tempor libero ac, consectetur ex. Nullam molestie, massa id blandit rutrum, mi ex suscipit ipsum, vitae cursus ligula lectus et justo. Sed ac turpis ligula. Maecenas iaculis, velit in efficitur accumsan, eros eros scelerisque lorem, molestie dapibus augue lorem luctus justo. Praesent cursus nisl ut tempor convallis. Pellentesque id sodales magna.

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Contribute Volunteer

Paid For By The Committee to Elect

Lorem Ipsum

To Regional Office

Phone: (407)123-4567


About Us - Urban Media Associates

For more than one hundred and eighty years, the Black press has been alive and well and committed to bringing truth to the world as it occured in our communities. Starting with the 'Freedom's Journal in 1887, pleaded the case for existence;

"We wish to plead our own cause," the editors wrote. "Too long have others spoken for us. Too long has the public been deceived by misrepresentations, in things which concern us dearly."

The Black Press in America have gone to great lengths, overcome great obstacles – and, too often, made great and horrific sacrifices – to ensure that the news was reported quickly, accurately and honestly. Our efforts have been rewarded with trust: Black people in more places trust the news they get from the Black Press more than from any other source.

Urban Media Associates carries on the tradition.
In the 21st century, that news is transmitted in more ways than ever before – in print, on the air and on the Web, with words, images, graphics, sounds and video. But always and in all media, we insist on the highest standards of integrity and ethical behavior when we gather and deliver the news.

That means we abhor inaccuracies, carelessness, bias or distortions.

It means we will not knowingly introduce false information into material intended for publication or broadcast; nor will we alter photo or image content. Quotations must be accurate, and precise.

It means we always strive to identify all the sources of our information, shielding them with anonymity only when they insist upon it and when they provide vital information – not opinion or speculation; when there is no other way to obtain that information; and when we know the source is knowledgeable and reliable.

It means we don't plagiarize.

It means we avoid behavior or activities that create a conflict of interest and compromise our ability to report the news fairly and accurately, uninfluenced by any person or action.

It means we don't misidentify or misrepresent ourselves to get a story. When we seek an interview, we identify ourselves as UMA journalists.

It means we don't pay newsmakers for interviews, to take their photographs or to film or record them.

It means we must be fair. Whenever we portray someone in a negative light, we must make a real effort to obtain a response from that person. When mistakes are made, they must be corrected – fully, quickly and ungrudgingly.

And ultimately, it means it is the responsibility of every one of us to ensure that these standards are upheld. Any time a question is raised about any aspect of our work, it should be taken seriously.

(Much of these rules and such were adapted from the AP and other respected news sources.)

About - Community Steeple Media

     Is the parent company of several online entities including a newsmagazine and a business directory. Community Steeple Media, (CSM), supports the Central Florida Black community in any and all means necessary, to move the community forward.

     To be the premiere resource referral center for the Central Florida Black political, social and entrepreneurial community.

     Through enhanced collaborative and partnership efforts with politicians, social activists and entrepreneurs, Community Steeple Media, LLC will emerge as the "go-to" centralized information and connection source of the Greater-Orlando Black community.
     By having a continual finger-on-the-pulse of the historical and transitioning Black community, as well as input from constituents, CSM will provide forward-thinking media services to aid in the evolution and elevation of Black business owners.
     CSM will employ high-caliber, forward-thinking team members equipped with high level business acumen, as well as provide focused and sensitive to our customer needs.
     CSM will continually examine in our business brand, products, programs and services to ensure alignment with needs of those we serve.

1. COMMUNICATION: We believe in delivering clear and effective communication -- verbally, in writing and through our actions.
     While the preferred mode of communication is 'face-to-face', we understand the critical need to provide diversified communication options via various communication channels and media. We also believe listening is the essential element in building strong and on-going positive relationships. We are committed to first seeking to understand those we service and interact with; and secondly to be understood.

2. HERITAGE: The ancestors of African Americans brought many wonderful traditions to U.S., parts of the Caribbean as well as South America. We believe in honoring our African heritage and forefathers.
     Continual acknowledgment and celebration of the achievements of African Americans will be a mainstay and essential for the growth, understanding and enrichment of our community.

3. INTEGRITY: We believe that integrity is demonstrated through respect, honesty, and trustworthiness. We are passionate that our forthright words are honorable and reinforced and demonstrated through our communication and actions.
     We purpose ourselves to always demonstrate exemplary conduct whether communicating internally with our team members or externally with community constituents, clients, vendors or prospects.

4. EXCELLENCE: We believe that excellence is demonstrated tangibly and intangibly through CSM's products and services. We will continually examine our information, programs, products and services to ensure high-caliber work. We also believe in demonstrating excellence through "walking out our talk".
     Therefore, we will seek feedback from others in order to continually grow and improve for the betterment and benefit of ourselves, those we service, as well as our community at-large.

5. COLLABORATION: We understand it takes a team to achieve the dream. Therefore, we believe in effectively and harmoniously leveraging the talents, skills and abilities of our team members, business partners and our community to ultimately provide our clients with
extraordinary service.

6. INNOVATION: We believe in being on the cutting edge of technology, programs and activities. We will continuously be forward thinking and innovative by being on-going learners, never fearing the future, encouraging and testing the new, allowing risk-taking, delegating authority to others, sharing best practices, and remaining unified through our organizational vision.

WHO IS Lawrence A Robinson?
I am educated, motivated, aggressive.
I work because I want to give back to the community.
I consider myself an expert at vision. I can see the future then create it.

I need to go to the next level in accountability and self-discipline.
I need others to help me work the details.

I get paid to create a better future.

My top pet peeve is foolishness.
My top idiosyncrasy is I believe everyone should think like me.


About Us - Community Steeple Philosophy

In our country's early history, before the advent of the large metropolis, there was a common meeting place for all. That meeting place was the church and the church grounds. Most community activities seem to have centered around the church, and church sponsored events. The church was the focal point of the community.

One reason for this church focus is because the community pulled together to accomplish tasks.

Before the invention of the telephone and television and Internet, there needed to be a meeting place for communications. That meeting place was the church. If someone's barn burned down, members of the community would get together, go over and rebuild the barn.

The people of the community family knew of the misfortune of members because of the communications at the church. When a family needed help, they would turn to the church. When someone was blessed abundantly, they would give to the church. They church would distribute the blessing to those that needed help. The community members would get together at church and would talk about situations, then agree on a solution. Then together they would work on the problem. They were willing to help each other, because they knew, "But by the grace of God…"

The citizens knew that by helping others, they were actually helping themselves. By building a stronger community, they help to preserve their lives and live better lifestyles. Interaction by community members was high. The church picnic, pie sale, barn raising and worshiping, all worked together to strengthen the bond between members of the community.

The church would sometimes double as a school building. The children would use the church as a classroom before the school was built. The church building was a place of learning. You were not only spiritually fed, but you were also educated about community life.

When the bell in the steeple rang, it was a call to meeting. On Sunday morning, you know the meeting was about worship. Other days, the steeple bell ringing might signal a birth, or death, or homecoming. But, mostly, when one heard the bells, and looked up and saw the steeple, they knew something exciting was happening.

Yes, the church was the focal point of the community, and the steeple is the focal point of the church.

This is why we decided to use the steeple as our name and our emblem. The mission of CommunitySteeple.Com, is to bring the community together.

Our focus is on education, economics, political growth, lifestyles, health and wellness, justice and of course, the spiritual well being of our macro community.

We are building a community within a community. Join us.