Is Eatonville's Family Dollar Less About 'Family' and More About The 'Dollar?'
- Details
- Category: Business
- Published: Sunday, 14 September 2014 16:11
- Written by Eddie Cole
by Eddie Cole, Introduction by Administration
Here is a hot topic from comments on Face Book about Eatonville's Family Dollar retail store. It seems that the the retail giant will start selling beer and wine in the Eatonville store. Many residents don't like the idea. Should there be a petition to stop this degrading process in our community? Interested residents speak out.
by Eddie Cole
I first want to say it is always an honor to have new business come within our community. Especially when they meet a need. To be able to get milk, eggs, toiletry items within walking distance is a plus, so I thank you.
HOWEVER my heart was sadden to see a sign up at this store in Eatonville stating beer and wine coming soon. What appalls me more is this store is the neighbor of two churches, a daycare, private Christian school, library, and a proposed school.
Do you think we need this product? Has there been a demand? No! There has been a campaign promoting healthy eating, living and fresh foods and you create freezer space for alcohol? We in Historic Eatonville Florida controls our own destiny. I don't need a title to speak. I just need a voice.
WE DON'T WANT IT! we want business, jobs, trade schools homes and a stronger tax base. Your name should speak for your product. FAMILY DOLLAR...."ColeMind"
Administration: Following are comments related to this topic. Most names were removed or blocked, but no other edits were made.
Eddie Cole: Words from ****** Are they aware that with drugs and alcohol comes a price? Soon they'll have bars on the windows (currently there are none) to prevent breaking and entering. Which means more policing-(police are great)...we don't need the Alcohol. They are merely perpetuating what has
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been going on in this country for years, oppression. Does the African American community need another liquor store? Absolutely not
****** Wow!!!
******!!! that's a first. Out of all the family dollars I've seen, especially here in Rochester, NY, I've never seen, nor heard of alcohol sold in the stores. Why in Eatonville of all places?
****** never heard of a Family Dollar selling Alcohol,only in the black communities
****** Only the Black Community because #WEALLOWIT....
****** Why?
****** Wow, alcohol in a Family Dollar Store! smh
****** In order for them to stay in business they have to meet all needs. Both near by walgreens sells both, they must compete
Lawrence A Robinson: Could the tax breaks and benefits given to Family Dollar have been better spent on local small businesses to improve their inventory and therefore maintain the culture of the town?
****** Devils advocate: How many business in Eatonville already sell beer and wine? of the two major churches referenced what % of their officers and members live in Eatonville proper and pay property taxes. neither church pays any property tax and both take up a significant % of Eatonville land mass
****** I not only am an Eatonville spokesperson but a residence for 19 years. It serves no purpose but to keep us bound and as long as I'm out of my mind due to drugs and alcohol, it keeps me from being or staying focused on the real issues at hand. Needless to mention. Convenient store eh? You all are not oblivious to what comes next. It's all mere tactics of distractions. What's going on in ferguson is not something that just popped's been lingering in our communities for years. I hate(strong word) when you drive through towns you can tell you've entered into an African American community due to trash on the grounds; from passers by or the actual residents drinking a can of.......wait for it!....BEER or soda or those styrofoam takeout containers smashed blown on our yards. Why can't we take care of the neighborhoods we live in is one of the real issues. DANG I DISLIKE RANTING. But I DONT MIND VENTING.
****** I'm there with u Eddie Cole I seen it & said LORD plz don't let this come TO pass, I was going to every other FAMILY DALLOR 2 c if it's there & then protest against it, because we don't need that, come in they just want us to stay n bondage & keep the jail & prison full & kids to b n ignorant so they can continue 2 to do what we c everyday. I'm against it strongly I pray everytime I go up there that the LORD have compassion on his ppl & don't let this come 2 pass, & I'm believing his will be done. I'm with u on this.
****** Well if you want to stop it focus on educating residents on the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Teach its purpose is to destroy, them, their families and community. Focusing on the behavior, because having one more place that sells beer and wine does nothing to change that. after all you never see someone drink wine or beer at gunpoint.
****** However true that maybe @drVincent, another truth is you don't see alcohol sales or wine for that matter in people of other ethnic persuasions communities. They like driving to the next town over to Publix to get theirs. In fact it helps them in networking with others when the drive over turns into "honey, you know who I just ran into at Publix"? Instead of "honey guess who I just saw robbing that family dollar"? #fft
****** This is great dialog and friendly discussion...over our communities. Now let's get to work and clean it up!
****** See wha you started Eddie Cole
****** My solution is based on the controllables. In any problem the things you can control are the things you use to solve the problem. People educated about the impact of drugs and alcohol fair better than those who don't. They may not have control over the location of the sore or products sold but they can control their consumption and patronage. This is not some complex problem with no solution. it just take willpower which is in short supply in our communities, evident by the lifestyle and behavioral choices.
****** Churches? I'm going to keep my mouth shut on your post Eddie. That's a sensitive subject for me.....#bishopdaughter
****** They should jus let punchy take over ,they don't sell beer&wine @ my dollar store
****** They will be selling dope bags next #speak out 1887
****** We need another establishment selling tobacco/alcohol products like we need outsiders running our city and that's non at all! They know that is what keeps us spending monies that we don't have as is with all other habits a form of firm mental/physical slavery the glue that kept the rich richer and the poor poorer bring something here like a coffee house with spoken word nights and jazz venues gospel brunch spots or anything family oriented that will give our minority families something to do other than getting high or drunk which leads to crime! But does demand ever outweigh supply No because they supply just enough for the people to demand more. It's sad when the neighborhood juke joints have more freedom than church let it be 10-20 people over capacity and here comes the fire Marshall. We need to wake up people and shut down big brother even CVS stop selling alcohol/tobacco products and they've managed to stay in business! Do better Not so Family Dollar!
****** and ****** I wholeheartedly agree, while our communities DO need education it also need unity and you can put this on everything. The problem is bigger than life...let's start with 1) prayer. We have a CREATOR put this world together in 6 days by spoken word, and we haven't repented or ask Him yet to heal our land. 2) NOW we can start with EDUCATIING our parents, and once this is done then we can follow up with the FUTURE...THE KIDS. 1) now they are educated to have a place to hear and participate in spoken word.
****** Boycott the store tell them we don't want it!
****** That's crazy! I've never seen a Dollar Store with beer and wine SMH
****** ****** that I am a prayer away from a break through daily I believe in exercising my freedom
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of religion I agree whole heartedly sir.
****** Truth be told it shouldn't be in the heart of Eatonville anyway! There was a stop mall to go in! Give them an inch they'll take a yard!
Family Dollar plans changes, including adding beer and wine
During a conference call with investors, CEO Howard Levine talked about ways the...See More
****** It's not just a "black thing" but it IS a poor versus affluent thing.
Throughout history exploitation of the poor and working class has involved alcohol to both control, and pacify, the population.
The rich and ruling class get rich on the backs of an enslaved work force.
But how do you create that in a "free" country? You do it by getting people in debt, getting them hooked on alcohol and substances so that any extra money goes there rather than toward getting ahead and so that ambition is squelched and complacency encouraged.
A sober, educated, thinking and empowered/voting population is a threat to the power elite.
Keep up the education Eddie!!
****** Amen to that
****** Eddie thank you for the information. To all who have commented I challenge you (not with an ice bucket) but to provide an Action Plan to prevent this from happening. Talk is so flowery but it is cheap.
****** Totally AGREE...I went in there one day b/c I forgot my lunch. NO Salad! NO fruit! Nothing healthy in sight. The closest I came to greens were the green beans in the hungry man frozen dinner. When I asked about it they said they just don't carry it. All junk and now more??? The residents need to let their voice be heard. Just say NO campaign. Bring in healthy treats and leave the depressants to some other neighborhood.
****** Please share a list if Famiky Dollar and Dollar Generals that sell Alcholoic beverages in Florida, please. Let's Compare.
****** I agree
Eatonville Rich ****** Really this what yall talking about in Eatonville.
****** Respect you a lot Cole,I really do.but what's amazing to me is that in the oldest black municipality in the country,the dollar store is the rave!the only rave!general stores have been selling alcohol for years.abuse is a bad thing,but some people enjoy a cool refreshing beverage.its been a huge tax resource for that town before we even came along.i respect the tax exempt entities in our town,and the people who don't consume.but they don't speak for all! The good for you foods are purchased at the grocer,not saying beer should be in fd.but there should be room for every legal product and business in that town
****** How can we stop this? Is there a Town Ordinance in place? If so, the Town Ordinance will that stop the selling of beer and wine?
Eddie Cole ******....I respect you as well my brother. As matter of fact what I have put in place to do has already started. I never been a person that needed validation from people's opinion especially those who only come around to vote. As for family Dollar they just made this change Nation wide in the last month or so nationwide. My concern is we have laws within the Town for establishments can sell. You never heard me address Walgreens or Poncho's. They are within the code. My hometown in which I will love is Canton, Ohio. In the seventies it was the place to be where jobs were plentiful, sports kicking and a sense of pride. Now by statistics per population capital it is consider one of the most dangerous cities in America to live in. One of the reason in my opinion besides unemployment was people never said anything until it was out of control. We are truly on the verge of some major things happening if we don't get sold out. My conversation with you will always be from the heart...
Eddie Cole ******, Please check out the article on my page when this started throughout the nation. Question. Where are most of your family Dollars?
****** Also: When and IF: Dollar General Purchases the majority of Stock in FAMILY DOLLAR; there will be a Race to the BOTTOM between........ Wal-Mart, Costco and Family Dollar Like we have Never Seen Before.
****** Wow.and you know I respect certain people!that s what you call anarchy!i don't eat meat you can't either.i eat oranges, no apples for you.sorry individuals and not enough you can do it is the problem.instead it's a kick around of politics and power.sorry about jumping my opinion in you peoples conversation.RESPECT
****** With more than 8,000 Family Dollar locations in 46 states, Family Dollar Claims : That it is America's neighborhood discount store. From Maine to Florida, and as far west as Idaho and California, from downtown urban locations to rural areas and small towns, Family Dollar stores provide customers with tremendous value on the same high quality national brands you'll find in other stores, but at incredible savings. When it comes to discount stores, there's none more convenient or more dedicated to your satisfaction than Family Dollar stores.
SAVINGS TIP: Enter your zip code into the Family Dollar locator – or choose your city and state – to find Family Dollar stores near you. Be sure to click on our weekly ad to see the latest deals!
Eddie Cole It pays to research. Family Dollar was already bought by Dollar Tree Not Dollar General. Here is a little of the article...Two of the three dollar chains in the U.S. have joined hands to take on the retail giant Wal-Mart. In an $8.5 billion deal, Dollar Tree bought Family Dollar last week, to create a massive retail chain of over 13,000 stores. After its boom of 2008-2009, the dollar concept is once again gaining popularity in the U.S. due to changing shopping patterns. Dollar stores' convenient locations give them a competitive edge over traditional Wal-Mart stores, that are usually located on the outskirts of cities. The retail giant has also ramped up its own small store expansion, which could be one of the reasons to have prompted Dollar Tree to buy its counterpart
Eatonville ****** People EATONVILLE has change.
****** The advent of the alcohol sales just happened and will be new to ALL stores. Besides if not there they'll just go to the one on Edgewater
****** We often take simple problems and turn them into complex ones by creating additional though processes and excuses. From my viewpoint a solution is simple. 1... No one is required to buy, or patronize the store, if you don't like them selling beer and wine tell them so and show them so..simple. Please don't use the excuse that its the only store some people can get to...those same people went somewhere else before this store opened. 2... teaching people the really impact that drugs and alcohol has on families and community goes towards changing what people have control over in their own lives.