Make It make sense: Step-daughter’s fiancé trespasses into my home, yet I am charged with battery. Why?

Jason DJMy step-daughter, Darlene J Styles, told her fiancé to trespass into my home to cause some violence. Jason Aybar, her fiancé, came into an area of my home where my wife was recuperating from heart surgery and a fight broke out.

My wife is recovering from major open-heart surgery and cannot sleep in our bedroom. The couch is more comfortable for her, so I was sleeping on the couch with her. She needed help changing her clothes, eating and everything else. Sometimes she was too weak to even pick up her phone, so I would put it on speaker volume and hold it for her.

There was lots of medical equipment around, monitoring her heart and vitals and a nurse would come two or three times a week to drain her lungs. Sometimes almost two liters would be drained.

For the last several years, Jason Aybar, has been trying to move into our house. He has gotten lots of support from my step-daughter who actually initiated a strategy to get him in. Against my wishes, she has given him a key and he has received mail and packages at my home. This activity has caused a very stressful situation and much chaos.

Two days prior to the incident, I ask Jason to respect my wife and my home and me, and to stay out of my wife’s medical area, but I would allow him to come in and go upstairs to see his fiancé. My step-daughter told him to tell me that ‘he does not respect me and he does not respect my wife and that he could come and go where ever he wants to in this house.

Following is the police cam video taken when the police were called. There were several police each with a camera. I have edited several videos together so that you can get the entire picture.Jason DJ link

1. Clearly, Darlene Styles and Jason Aybar made a plan for Jason to come into the restricted area. Both of them admitted to this and talked about it on police cam.

2. Clearly, Jason Aybar knowingly trespassed into my home. I told him to get out three times before I shoved him. Police officer actually made the statement that Jason Aybar could be charged with trespassing.

3. Clearly, Darlene J Styles shoved me first, in an attempt to stop the violence between her fiancé and myself. She is my wife’s daughter and a resident in my home and when she shoved me this became an act of domestic violence. Both she and Jason Aybar admitted that she attacked me first.

With these facts on police video, why am I the one charged with two counts of battery? I am facing two years in prison, years of probation, anger management classes and a large fine. Can someone make this make sense for me?

 Am I wrong? The court date is in November 1st. Please leave your thoughts and comments on Youtube.

Update: After I posted the video, my new Public Defender and dozens of other lawyers saw it, the State Attorney dismissed the case. 

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