Characterby Desiree 'Des' Ross
Men, when it comes to dating and attraction with Women, "cute" is a fine starting point. I understand that God made men and women to be physically attracted to each other, and I would never encourage a gentleman to marry a lady he was not at least somewhat attracted to.

There is so much about a woman to know as a man contemplates whether or not to pursue her beyond friendship. A common mistake men make before asking a woman out is they make snap judgements about her based on looks and don't take the time to observe her in action to get an idea of her character.

Related:Speak Truth, Even When There Is A Price To Pay

I'm not saying that you've got to see if this woman can pass a comprehensive character evaluation before you go out for a cup of coffee, but I am saying to spend some time in PRAYER and pay attention to how she speaks to her friends and carries herself around other guys. What drives her? Whom does she love? How does she talk about the people she loves? Things like this will reveal far more about her than her exterior will

Just as I've told the ladies, it is crucial for men to know that character is the undergirding of a woman, the nature of who she is. At her core, she must be a woman of character to get your attention. Over her lifetime, a woman's waist and chest size will fluctuate, her hair color will fade, and her interests, passions, and ideas will develop. She might change her mind a dozen times(possibly even in the same hour) and she will keep you guessing for a lifetime. (One of the many mysterious traits about our gender). What will remain consistent is her character. To be sure, she will mature and, by God's grace strengthen, her character over time. But the essential qualities must be in place at the get-go.

A godly man will have complete confidence in her character before he says "I do". I am not saying she must have reached perfection or even live up to your standards (which, by the way, may be completely unrealistic). I am saying men want to find a woman of godly character!!