Don't Tell Me To Sit Down If You Are Not Willing To Stand Up
- Details
- Category: Lifestyle/People
- Published: Saturday, 06 December 2014 17:59
- Written by Larry Adams
by Larry Adams
staff note: This is a social media comment and response, mostly unedited. The name was removed from the original comment but the writer of the response gave permission to use his name.
original comment: It is time for younger people To step into leadership roles...sadly you guys need to take it because you elders in their 50,60 and 70's are still trying to drop it like its hot and remain the hot chic in the club, when they need to sit down somewhere. I get it people my age need to focus on retirement and remaining healthy not trying to save the world. Refusing pass on knowledge is ensuring we continue to struggle with the social problems that have plagued us.
Larry Adams response: Maybe you 50 something's still trying to hang in the club but for those of us in
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our 60's and 70's, arthritis, coronary problems and a litany of other health issues keep us out of the club.
You know most of us are overweight and if we drop anything it's gone be on the floor cause our knees ain't gone let us get back up. We tried to pass on 'the knowledge' when we were rearing you younger folks but y'all refused to listen to us. Y'all listened to everybody but us.
Y'all let them pass laws to keep y'all in check because y'all won't vote. They made it illegal for y'all to whip ya chillen's ass when they needed a good ass whipping. telling y'all to 'put them in time out' instead.
Look what happened with our grandchillen. They outta control cause y'all swore to "GOD" y'all wasn't gonna rear them the way we reared y'all. We were to 'strict', to controlling but it wasn't a problem for y'all to let 'them' be in control with all these 'politically correct' laws.
Now y'all wanna try and place the blame for a lack of leadership in the home and community on us by saying we refuse to give up 'the knowledge'? Who we gonna give it to? The grandchillen?
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Y'all the ones who need to get up out the club and first take your houses back because in a lot of cases, it's the grandchillen running y'all's house. Did YOUR parents ever tell YOU y'all was best friends?
Why are there so many single moms in their early to mid 40's? Because y'all couldn't wait to be 'grown' and do grown folks stuff. Now it's 'our fault' there are no role models, no one to emulate other than some rapper or athlete. You know I get what you're saying but to try and put this problem on our shoulders, No, no and HELL NO!
This lack of leadership thing, that's on y'all. We turned the churches over to y'all. What did y'all do with them? Y'all let your classmates turn them into pseudo ATM machines for their personal use. Okay, summa us did that too but you know what um saying.
Now there are a hand full y'all saying we refuse to give up the reigns. We hear y'all. But your peers have us leery of you. Are you really trying to lead, change the direction or are y'all just trying to be in the limelight, like so many have before instead of working for the good of the community?
Instead of complaining about we won't let y'all sit at the gown up table why ain't y'all out trying to effect some changes regardless of what us old folks say? Did it ever occur to y'all we might be more acceptable to letting y'all drive the big 12 horse wagon if we see that y'all can handle the one mule cart?
Don't keep telling us to sit down when we don't see y'all willing to stand up.