Smear Campaign Against Regina Hill, Ready...Set...FLOP!

ReginaHillby Lawrence A. Robinson
You may have heard about the smear campaign against Orlando City Council District 5 candidate Regina Hill over the last few days. It seems that Regina Hill was arrested a few times starting when she was 18 years old, more that 25 years ago. She has since turned her life around and has been a pillar of leadership and openness in the community.

Read more: Smear Campaign Against Regina Hill, Ready...Set...FLOP!

What African Americans Want From President Obama in 2014

BlackAgendaby Roger Caldwell
In 2014, the African American community is divided into classes, and conflicted on the direction it should take this year. There is always in the country, a small percentage of folks who are wealthy, because of their job, business, career, or family bloodline. This is true in mainstream America and it is also true in the African American community.

Read more: What African Americans Want From President Obama in 2014

Was 2013 a Bad Year For President Obama?

President Barack Obama in official WH photoby Roger Caldwell
"Obamacare really represents the single, biggest instance of consumer fraud in the nation's history. And the American people are increasingly led to the conclusion they cannot trust this administration to say what it means or mean what it says," said GOP Sen. John Cornyn of Texas.

It is very easy to argue with the senator about his statement, but everyone in the country would agree that 2013 was a very rocky year for the president and his administration.

Read more: Was 2013 a Bad Year For President Obama?

Governor Scott's Goal in 2014, to Shrink the Minority Vote

rickScott concernedby Roger Caldwell
There will be a gubernatorial election in 2014 in Florida, and the strategy is to win the position by spending the most money. In 2010, Rick Scott spent over 70 million of his own money to win the election, and this time around, he will spend 120 million of the Republican Party and his money.

Read more: Governor Scott's Goal in 2014, to Shrink the Minority Vote

Former Orange County Sheriff Candidate Issues Stern Warning About Parramore

mikegreeneby Mike Greene - former candidate for Orange County Sheriff
Mike Greene issued a brief comment about the gentrification of Parramore and the lack of leadership in the Black community.

As I ran for Sheriff last year, and I will again in 3 years, I was the loudest voice who publicly stated what I saw.

Read more: Former Orange County Sheriff Candidate Issues Stern Warning About Parramore