Scott Remains Quiet on $63 Million Unemployment Website Debacle

Connectby Roger Caldwell
On October 15, 2013, the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity rolled out a new unemployment website called "CONNECT" and it has been a disaster. Initially, the managers tried to tell the public that it was working okay with a few glitches, but eventually the truth came out as thousands complained about the system.

Read more: Scott Remains Quiet on $63 Million Unemployment Website Debacle

Daisy Lynum: A Legacy of Failure

DaisyLynum5by Dr.Vincent Polite
Whenever a politician speaks glowingly of birthrights, heritage and legacies, you can almost be certain someone somewhere was screwed royally. In many aspects, politics and politicians have replaced gangsters as public enemies, as you cannot find any state in the union in which they are thought of in favorable light.

Read more: Daisy Lynum: A Legacy of Failure


MikeGreeneby Mike Greene
Politics is corrupt by nature. The way the system is in place, our political system is based on corrupt practices. You can't get elected without support. At least some of that support comes from donors. Once some folks or corporations donate, they expect favors in return. The politician now feels obliged to return that favor, not so much for payback, but for continued donations in the future.


Orlando Commissioner Daisy Lynum Broke the Law in 2012

If Daisy Lynum did in fact try to reflect negative images on her opponents last week, she really should try harder to stay away from mirrors herself. The smear campaign against Regina Hill and Cynthia Harris not only fell flat, but actually backfired against Commissioner Lynum. An unofficial poll conducted on social media sites found very little support for Ms. Lynum at all. There are actual rumors of a coming campaign requesting her to resign before the election.

Read more: Orlando Commissioner Daisy Lynum Broke the Law in 2012