Bringing Back the Domestic Violence Division

AramisAyala 200by Attorney Aramis Ayala, Esq. - (Aramis Ayala is a Candidate for State Attorney)
Domestic violence does not just affect the couple involved. It negatively impacts the lives of children and other innocent bystanders as well. In short, domestic violence is not just a private issue anymore. It is something that needs to be talked about and addressed within our Orange and Osceola County communities, which the Ninth Judicial Circuit encompasses.

Read more: Bringing Back the Domestic Violence Division

Protecting Women's Healthcare Access in Florida Blocked by Governor

PlannedParenthood logo200x112By Roger Caldwell
Governor Rick Scott has made it official in Florida that he is in charge. On March 25th, he signed a bill that would block thousands of Floridians from healthcare at Planned Parenthood. This is an ironic situation, because around September 2015, there was an investigation conducted by Florida health officials to prove there was wrongdoing at Planned Parenthood.

Read more: Protecting Women's Healthcare Access in Florida Blocked by Governor