Fight Back or Go Home!

Fight back or go home 2

 By James DeShay
After confirmation of Betsy DeVos as secretary of Education; White American is sending people of color a stern message. We will elect who we want regardless if they are qualified or not. We will make all decisions in the best interest of the GOP. We are prepared to hurt those who can fight back and will sacrifice the weak of our on race.

What's Really behind our Black Community Consequences?


By Attorney Ka’Juel J. Washington
On Monday, January 9th, 2017 a great champion of the African-American community was slain in the line of duty. The outrage was immediate and the village went into a state of mourning. How could Lt. Debra Clayton be dead? She was a part of our culture and our clan. She was born and raised here. When she chose to go to college, she stayed in Orlando and went to UCF. She is the one who held the marches and was a faithful servant. She had been on the force for 17 years and was a jewel of pride. The community loved Lt. Debra Clayton just as it loved Belvin Perry, Sr. and Arthur Jones before her. These two dedicated officers have been enshrined in Washington Shores with bronze statutes. 

Read more: What's Really behind our Black Community Consequences?

Are We Attracting Negative Vibes Into Our Black Community?

Black vibes matter3By Lawrence A. Robinson
The Secret is a best-selling 2006 self-help book written by Rhonda Byrne, based on the earlier film of the same name. It is based on the law of attraction and claims that positive thinking can create life-changing results such as increased happiness, health, and wealth.

Read more: Are We Attracting Negative Vibes Into Our Black Community?

A Passionate Message

OrlandoUnity LogoBy Rena Mack Peterson
It's my life, my life's not mine I live for a better tomorrow for my people. No matter where I go or what I do. Im searching for ways to cultivate culture, love, independence and family to my people. It doesn't mean I'm anti any other race. That means that I love my black people and I want the best for them like every other race wants the best for there own.

Read more: A Passionate Message

Is There A Benefit For Continuing The Violence In The Black Community?

BlackOnBlackBy Lawrence A. Robinson - I see plenty of announcements for ‘stop the violence’ forums and town hall meetings.  I’ve seen ‘stop the violence’ bar-b-que gatherings and even special movie showings.  I have seen, ‘stop the violence’ gatherings at churches, homes, parks, city hall steps on the street corners and in parking lots.

Read more: Is There A Benefit For Continuing The Violence In The Black Community?

Upside Down, Right Side Up Miracle

Jill Capri SimmsBy Jill-Capri Simms Excerpt from the new book “I Am” 

We had just completed pre-recording this week’s edition of Liberating Truth Radio. Typically, I send my guests their interview questions about a week in advance. Yes, it might seem “stagey”, but the preparation formula helps me and the interviewee relax and keep on track to meet the broadcast timeframe. After all, 30 minutes will seem like 30 seconds once we get started. 

Read more: Upside Down, Right Side Up Miracle